My dear friends, after a short break I’m finally back to write to you again in my blog! I wasn’t resting like some of you might think, instead I’ve been going to exhibitions to check out the new trends in fashion as well as the new amazing collections of jewelry for the upcoming summer and this new year.To start well into the year of 2018, I went to “Vicenza Oro” in January. (I wrote more specifically about it in another article.) During this trip I met a fantastic goldsmith, the protagonist of this article. He is Marco Gerbella, the designer of the collection “Piccole Gioie” (little joys), one of the most trendy collections of the last months.
I met Marco for the first time during Vicenza Oro in September. Already back then I got very fascinated by his precious creations that with their simplicity and their lines radiate with an aura of sophistication and elegance. Marco told me that he started his career as a goldsmith for a very

luxurious company in 1990, collaborating with goldsmiths of international fame from Valenza. Subsequently in 1994 followed the birth of his own goldsmith workshop in Ravenna, also thanks to the support of many dear friends and admirers who helped him to manifest his project.
Still, Marco is meeting his friends and collaborators on a daily basis to work together and to ask them for their opinions about each piece. He considers his collaborators a real family, just as he likes to consider his company not as a factory but rather as a craftsman’s workshop that preserves and carries on with old traditions that nowadays tend to be forgotten but that are fundamental to preserve the ancient culture of this art.

“There is always a beautiful story behind every idea,” Marco told me during our meeting. It is a sentence that clearly represents his philosophy and the philosophy of his company.
From the fantasy of this passionate artisan, the collection “Piccole Gioie” was born, a collection full of feeling, small jewels in gold, accessible for all women, jewels that enhance the shape of the heart as the creator likes to say, a gesture of love towards the entire female world.
In his precious creations we find mostly small hearts or stars, small rings (wedding rings), bracelets and rings made with only one subtle string as a metaphor of love—love as a string that connects.
The pieces of his collection are minimal only in their appearance if they are worn individually, but in my opinion it’s also beautiful to wear several bracelets or rings together to create a very interesting and funny game of colors.
My dear readers, I won’t keep you here any longer, but I really suggest to check if you find this amazing collection “Piccole Gioie” at jewelers near you, small and precious jewels perfect for any woman and any age.
Thank you, Marco Gerbella, and a big thank you to all of my dear readers who are following me with love!