This time I’m going to tell you about Francesca Corradini, the young Italian goldsmith I was pleased to meet during SIERAAD fair in Amsterdam. As I often do, I was immediately fascinated by her unique creations, definitely original both in style and design.
That’s why I met Francesca, a woman, a mother and an artist. She told me
Francesca Corradini loves working in the solitude of her workshop, often at night. She forges every single piece mainly out of poor materials, because she rightly believes that style and intrinsic meaning give more preciousness than the material value. Her creations are made with old tools only, and yet they show personal features of modernity. Whether copper, brass and bronze take on geometric or irregularly sinuous shapes, they always offer an unexpected, fascinating wearibility.
Large volumes and strong personality characterize Francesca Corradini’s
Thank you Francesca and thank you my special jewellery loving friends.