Good morning my precious friends who, like me, love whatever shines brighter than the sun.
It’s with great pleasure that today in my blog I’m going to tell you about a family of goldsmiths/jewellers, whose work and passion immediately endeared them to me. I’m talking about the Daverio family, whose brand Daverio 1933 played a role in Bergamo’s artistic history and, to some extent, in the Italian sculptural/figurative art over a period of time between the 1930s and the present day.
Actually, it’s hard to define this family of artists. In 1933 its founder, Franco Daverio, started creating real goldsmith sculptures in copper through rather old techniques. He was an all-round artist; I had the opportunity to wear some of his jewels and, as you can see, to pose next to some of his wonderful sculptures. Looking at his numerous and precious works, from jewellery to sculptures to paintings, I got the impression that Franco Daverio was a versatile, Renaissance-style artist, able to turn any material into a masterpiece whatever technique he used. He would have deserved quite a different position in the national and international art scene.
Franco’s son Luca followed in his father’s footsteps. In the 1970s he started a unique

goldsmith production, where sculptural skills reached the highest quality standards. Luca made different life choices and had several jobs before hearing the demon of sculpture’s call. Looking at Luca’s work, you can’t do anything but think that giving up on such manual skills would have been foolish.
The jewellery of Luca Daverio’s first collections had a classic spirit. As time passed, he left large embossed and

chiselled jewels behind and started creating smaller valuable sculptures with delicate embroidery-like details, using precious stones and new materials such as wood.
Pablo represents the third generation of the Daverio family. Thanks to him their brand was enriched with new creativity in design, the 3D complemented the pencil and the production was increased in the attempt to meet the wishes of the brand’s loyal customers.
I have worn many pieces of Daverio 1933’s countless jewels, from the earliest sculpture jewellery to the marvellous modern productions with some of the most precious stones on the market: beautiful and unique sparkling rings, lavish earrings and bracelets.
Among the numerous collections by Daverio 1933, I’d like to recommend Pure Black, where marvellous black diamonds contrast with the most perfect white diamonds and Ricci, where the concept of CHAOS is expressed in small, amazing sculptures. Rings and pendants with a life and peculiar shape of their own.
Even if I’ll do a disservice to all the collections I’m not listing here, I can’t not mention my favourite: Spirali, a true classic of the Daverio brand. All jewels of this collection use the symbol born with humankind in different and modern ways. The Spirali jewellery has an unknown quality of esoterism, and has a hypnotic beauty and uniqueness. Whether it’s rings, bracelets, earrings or pendants, believe me, I would have done anything to have one…
Luca and Pablo Daverio welcomed me like an old family friend and showed me the secrets of their creativity. I had the opportunity to visit their refined shop in the centre of Bergamo, a city I didn’t know and that really impressed me.
Kindness was the gift the Daverio family reserved to me and that each of you will experience when you visit their showroom. If you trust in my judgement, please go to their website and check out the extraordinary collections of jewellery by Luca and Pablo Daverio.
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